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Journey Lies Within: How I healed from a lifetime of allergies & asthma

Writer's picture: Erica Swenson ElliottErica Swenson Elliott

Updated: Jan 2

This personal history is meant to be used as a guiding example on our Journeys Within. Hopefully, it will show how sensitive and unique each human being is. We are truly carrying a universe within each one of us that is like no other. We are each here to figure out how to heal ourselves and therefore the world around us.

So let me begin at the beginning of my earliest vivid memories. Approximately, in December 1970, I woke up out of nowhere with a sudden onset of an extreme case of asthma that did not leave me until middle age after a deep journey of healing. I was just turning 3. It was like being struck by a bolt of lightning from nowhere. Nothing was the same from that point on. I remember waking up in terror that I was going to suffocate inside of my own body.

The next thing I remember is laying on the bathroom floor staring at the pink and gray tile with my nose and mouth pressed against its coolness. I could feel my Mother's panic as she was on a landline phone with a cord stretched to its maximum from my parents' bedroom into the closed bathroom. I could feel the panic oozing out of her pores as she feverishly talked to our pediatrician. They assumed I had the croup, a fashionable childhood illness of that time, so they were running the steamy shower "to break up the croup." Intuitively I knew this was NOT helping, hence I had my face pressed to the floor to escape the steam. Immediately I noticed, if I got flat on my stomach and stayed there I could achieve a minimum calmness, so I intuitively knew that I was no longer going to die. When the fear left my body the asthmatic wheezing also began to subside somewhat. It was the first spiritually esoteric lesson that I taught myself in that midnight hour. Fear Kills and Makes you Sick.

My little three year old body automatically found a yoga posture many of us know today, child's pose, which was the optimal option for me to catch my breath. Objectively I listened to my new strained breathing pattern, where it strangely sounded like a warbling train humming off in the distance somewhere. If I breathed in too deeply I would start hacking and coughing. Breathing through my nose was not an option as it was totally blocked. So I developed a panting style of breathing through my mouth in shallow breaths to minimize the pain and disruption.

Interestingly enough, this year I rediscovered my own Baby Book, pictured here, that my archivist Mother had sent me years back. Until recently it resided in a dusty storage bin waiting for me to find it and connect some more dots in my Universe Within. In contrast to what childhood shrinks like to espouse, I have many vivid early childhood memories. As children we don't have the words or ability to express them

quite yet, but it does NOT mean that we don't understand what is going on around us in grown up world. To me this reflects on our greater eternal soul embodied in our little human skins, waiting for our amazing cosmic minds to finish development. After much thought, I've come to realize that the most easy memories to recall are linked to a strong human emotion. However there is also a point where if it is too painful of an emotion, you will protect yourself by screening or morphing those memories into something you can consciously live with on a daily basis. Your body or layers of bodies is highly intelligent. If you begin a journey of healing, it will present to you memories that it deems you can now handle. Your higher self will ask you objectively, "Okay, so you wanted to heal yourself. How would you like to proceed with this one? I think you are ready to handle it now."

Throughout my life, I've fervently believed that I could heal myself through connecting the spiritual, emotional and physical bodies where we all reside. When I was young, I thought I had prayed hard enough so I viewed myself as lacking in faith. Today in my 54th year, I recognize that this was supposed to be a long journey, as it was a primary objective that I chose to heal in this lifetime. There were many layers and chapters that brought a richer fuller context to my life and others today, that I would not have had if magically it just all went away. I was healing myself by coming to a fuller understanding of myself and what was out of balance inside of my Universe Within.

In my view, there were two influencing factors that triggered my shocking onset of asthma that created a perfect storm. My infant brother, Keith, died from a heart defect in December 1970. In #vibrationalmedicine, the onset of pulmonary lung issues are often related to the emotion of Grief. Suffocated by grief. Two, when I look at my childhood vaccine records that are pictured here, I was on a "catch up" regimen of vaccines that I was missing. Namely Polio, TB and DPT, German Measles and Mumps. In #TheVaccineCourt 2.0 book, that I will link below, Wayne Rohde, a parent of a vaccine injured child, explains the link to a number of chronic diseases particularly to the Pertussis antigen in the #DPT vaccine at that time and into the 1980s.

The death of my brother, the vaccine marathon and my overnight onset of severe asthma, food and environmental allergies were all in the same three to five month period. It's been a journey but in 2008, I found a path to avoid all food allergies that triggers my sensitive immune system. More to come in another post.

Click on the image to learn more about Wayne Rohde's true life chronicles of fighting for his vaccine-injured child in the Vaccine Court of our government. RFK JR is a fearless publisher and voice for us all. Yes, that RFK was his father, another voice silenced.

Mudras: yoga using fingers, hands & arms- "yes the universe within is accessible right at your fingertips"

Here is a link to my Mudra Teacher's most recent book. I use this book on a daily basis to rebalance and reboot my body, mind and soul, which of course includes my immune system.

Journey within

  1. Discovery of specific food allergies and what happened when I eliminated them

  2. Terrain v. Germ Theory applications in my life. You are a Custom Universe.

  3. How this is related to the spiritual battle for our DNA -

  4. Creativity as Healing Tool: How I write about this battle in my Calendar Novel Series- How it is in my art which goes into product designs with its own healing energy.

  5. Dr. Bach Flower Remedies/acupuncture as tools

  6. Mudras: yoga using fingers, hands & arms- "yes the universe within is accessible right at your fingertips"

  7. Where I am today prescription free in Happy Healthiness

Terrain v. Germ Theory applications in my life. You are a Custom Universe.

How this is related to the spiritual battle for our DNA -

Creativity as Healing Tool: How I write about this battle in my Calendar Novel Series- How it is in my art which goes into product designs with its own healing energy.

Dr. Bach Flower Remedies/acupuncture as tools

Mudras: yoga using fingers, hands & arms- "yes the universe within is accessible right at your fingertips"

Where I am today prescription free in Happy Healthiness

Click through to see an interview I was grateful to share on Jay Campbell's podcast on this topic. Of course we had to speak in some level of code, so it wouldn't be deleted.

Or click this link...

Peace out, all for now, but definitely more to come on this topic...

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