​​​One of Erica's earliest memories was falling in love with the written word.
Children's books were some of her first friends.
When four, she recalls the pride printing her name on her first library card.
But then the fear of possible rejection, when she ran out of space!
Finally, the absolute delight, choosing TEN free books to borrow!
Heidi, My Friend Flicka and eight more.
The euphoric experience of accessing imagination and independent thought​.
Intangibles imprints of indelible Freedom.

One of Erica's most terrible memories is of libraries of books being burned.
Preservation of memories in multiple formats is her artistic passion.
In her eponymous YouTube channel, there are layers and layers of her own and others' artistic endeavors as well as books, ancestors, old photos that are anything but random.
Click through below to enjoy a plethora of snapshots that treasure and honor love, family, ancestors, life, death, agony, war and faith.